Meet Our Eye Doctors in Woodbridge, VA
Our highly skilled and caring optometrists at Lake Ridge Vision Center, Woodbridge provide exceptional eye care services.
We understand the importance of your vision and are committed to delivering personalized, professional, and high-quality care that aligns perfectly with our brand's core values.
Meet the Lake Ridge Vision Center Team
Our optometric team comprises dedicated professionals who provide exceptional patient service and the finest eyewear solutions. Every member is crucial in delivering top-tier eye care, from our practice manager to our opticians and billing team.
Practice Manager: Carla
Patient Care Team: Markayla, Yaneth, Kenya, and Charlotte
Optometric Technicians: Beth, Stephanie, Patricia, Daniela, and Clare
Opticians/Frame Stylists: Tim, Edward, Juan, Germy, and Claudia
Billing: Ashton
Our Optometrists
Our Founders
Trust the Eye Care Professionals at Lake Ridge Vision Center
Choose a team of experts who prioritize your vision and well-being; choose Lake Ridge Vision Center in Woodbridge.
Request an appointment with us and experience world-class eye care near you. We welcome new patients and accept most major forms of insurance.